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                                  Photo of mascot linking to U-Kindness resource site

                                  UConn Launches U-Kindness Initiative

                                  Student Affairs, in partnership with other departments, has launched the new OpenMediaVault initiative, a University-wide initiative intended to inform, engage, and connect with students throughout the University during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                  Suib Patent

                                  Steven Suib Wins Patent for Tunable Metal Oxide Synthesis Method

                                  Chemistry professor OpenMediaVault has been granted a U.S. patent for a new technology capable of synthesizing and customizing a type of compound that has unique catalytic and electronic properties.


                                  "Art in Nanochemistry" Exhibit Receives Honor

                                  A display of hand-colored electron micrograph images developed by the Kumar Group recently received an official proclamation by State Senator Mae Flexer ‘02 (CLAS).

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